Detalii birou:
Spatiu pentru birouri de inchiriat, situat in centrul Brasovului, la parterul unui imobil, oferind un mediu ideal de lucru.
Apartamentul este extrem de spatios, cu o suprafata de 75 metri patrati, fiind compus din doua camere, un grup sanitar si o kitchineta. Este complet izolat fonic si termic, dotat cu geamuri de termopan Triplex si un sistem de securitate eficient.
Avantajul acestei proprietati este reprezentat atat de locurile disponibile de parcare cat si de apropierea fata de Centrul Istoric, Centrul Civic, Bartolomeu.
// Offices for rent, located in the centre of Brasov, on the ground floor of a building, offering an ideal working environment.
The apartment is very spacious, with a living area of 75 square meters, being comprised of two rooms, one lavatory and one small kitchen. It is fully insulated and soundproof, with Triplex double glazing and a very efficient security system.
The advantage of this property consists of the available parking spaces, as well as the closeness to the Historic Centre, Civic Centre, Bartolomeu.